Friday 19 April 2013

Fathers rights group through AVFM

So woolybumblebee fumbled again, and this time is deleting comments that are critical of a video she put up called "Zach Rosenberg - a disgusting parent."
Wolybumblebee says in the comment sections of the video she has downloaded all the video's of Zach and
his son and is saying he called his son a rapist, which she didn't link any evidence of.
woolybumblebee tells us that the child will be damaged.  She then plays a clip of the father 
joking that his son should retrieve a laptop from the dumpster.  Later it was added that Zach
also fed his son salsa once.

While reading, watching and listening to this I was like, "So?!"  I couldn't understand why she was 
picking on some random MRA man.  I messaged Woolybumblebee about this twice.  I asked her if
this was a joke.  She has never commented back although I got a comment back from Girlwrites......what
that her channel wasn't a dating website.  GWW also thinks I'm stalking her specifically.  
Apparently a 20 something girl is desperate for the romantic affections of an angry misogynist,
that talks about how she's almost a guy all the time, and lives off the kindness of men.
That'll be the day.

It seems it is not a joke.  The father rights advocacy group that operates through AVFM actually
went out of their way to create a case about a father.  Not that I'm saying that humor is defensible,
and hot sauce is not beyond reasonable, because that's a matter of personal opinion.  I do however
see inconsistency in AVFM.

In the case of Zach, AVFM fails to protect a fathers right to father his child, rather threatening to
take his child from him.

This is being presented to the court of public appeal, because it would be thrown out of the 
court of law.

I suspect the father must be some kind of political opponent of AVFM and Co. because I
don't believe that, even a phony father rights advocacy group, (like this one) would so willingly
do something like this.

AVFM has an advocacy part of their site a section called "Judicial Accountability Committee."
This section states, in regard to what they do: "We strongly encourage you to have legal representation, but we do not work under your attorney’s direction, and often we take courses of action that your attorney would not advise you to take.  Our work mainly consists of attempts to bring public pressure on the state functionaries and others involved in your case, which many attorneys do not like." (emphasis added by me)

The section later tells us that they deal with government misconduct and you should be aware: "Corrupt public officials, including police, prosecutors, judges and elected public servants do not usually appreciate being publicly challenged and/or exposed. They can and will act with vindictiveness toward you for the measures we take exposing their actions to the public."  Sounds like they don't trust the police or the courts to begin with and they will encourage you to do things that will ultimately lead you to lose the case like hassle the police and judges.

" We will not publish anything until we review the information, speak with you regarding your understanding of the terms stated above and reach a mutual agreement to work on your behalf."  AVFM publishes evidence in ongoing investigations... this has happened before and a gag order issued by the judge on AVFM...  The evidence published in an ongoing investigation was an audio recording but didn't really let you hear anything but a man being prevented from entering a vehicle.  There didn't seem to be even sounds of struggle, just children who wanted daddy in the car, so I found it strange to put this out to the general public.

This is the important part written in this section: "Above all, be honest with us. We are well aware that in many of life’s circumstances, especially those that involve marriage or other long term relationships that neither side is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes." meaning AVFM should have the applicants best interest in mind, and reserve judgement, but as you can see above it's all lies.

Just because Zac has a penis doesn't mean feminists will consider him guilty of child abuse.  I need more proof than that.  Preferably by qualified detective and our judicial system, not keyboard warriors on the internet.

I do not condone this type of harassment. 

So much for representation.  A voice for.... no, just no.

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