Friday 15 March 2013

For the second time today, Buntzums, your humble guide to all things.... well like you know, delves into yet another important topic.

Postpartum depression.  It makes people feel low and it's temporary.  It's a condition that happens after a woman delivers a child.  Women have been know to do all sorts of unusual things during this time including killing their own children and others.

When I was reading comments from people one YouTuber kept insisting that these particular killings should be harshly punished because their effect is worse than rape and that this is something feminists should answer for because women don't talk about this.

Oh, but how wrong the user was in this.  Women have been well aware of this for centuries.  As one blogger wrote "There is no logic to this psychosis. The mother doesn't know right from wrong nor the consequences of her actions. She may feel that she is “saving” her child by killing him."

Balderdash the user said gnashing their great white teeth.  To paraphrase, we in society are giving these women a free pass and treating them as children, why, if they were men we would be all ball and chain and crying for a head on a plate.  This user then went on to describe feminists as not owning this or dealing with it.

Perhaps.  Lets look at it more logically first.

Womyns groups such as the Canadian womens health network run support groups. I have personally seen the support shortly after a child is born to surround the mother to ensure she and the baby are well.  Although it is still taboo to discuss mental illness women are aware, within feminist circles, and talk about how to deal with this issue.

It's likely not something men usually think about, because in this modern day we no longer hold to traditions and where once a woman would likely have been surrounded by a whole family of other women who would in essence watch her.  In many cases she and the child are left on their own with the child most of the time as her husband braves the working world.  This is a crucial part of a social structure: having the older members of the family help with the child rearing.

In modern times the midwife plays a role in supporting the new baby mama and child. A vital part of this supporting role includes keeping the new mother and child under observation during the early stages so she does not harm herself, the child or others. Preventing the mother from harming the child during this time, is not treating the mother like a child.

I likely, dear reader, don't need to state why a murder induced by postpartum depression is not the same as raping someone, but for those who still have doubts and think I'm just avoiding women taking responsibility for female crimes, or making men look bad, here goes:

Feminists both try and spread the word to other women about postpartum depression risks and provide services to support families suffering with this.

What else do womyns groups do? Well they try to educate the public about rape, as well as run support groups and services to do with rape relief.  It's the positive enactment of change.

Here are some relevant links:

So to those who seek destruction, remember all ye angry dudes,
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Buntzums first blog! Who's smarter? Men or Women? and does it even matter?

Hello, my little starry eyed readers!

This be the first of many a shining blog posts by Buntzums, the trolled.  Started because every topic discussed on my YouTube channel ( ) get's side tracked and good, wholesome and true comments of merit are drown out but the din of frustration from a thousand howling and screeching horn dogs.  Shouted down by mass confusion from the peanut gallery.

Here are the useful comments from a video ( ) titled 'Who's smarter? Men or women? and does it even matter?'

  • I can see how this discussion has developed, & I'm not blaming anyone (somebody says something you want to respond to - you respond to it - I would do the same) I do think its a shame we have got so far from the original topic.
    I found this video very interesting & stimulating, and hoped it might stimulate a discussion on the nature of intelligence / genius. However, when I started commenting on this, it got dragged down into silly nitpicking about the relative merit of one particular artist
    2) (cont...) & the "Bigger Picture" got lost, so I exited. The conversation then followed its own path, & who am I to judge whether that "path" was right or wrong ? It happened.
    However, most of the discussion taking place here could more "legitimately" be taking place on many other feminist videos that actually DO cover these topics. I think it would be more fruitful to be discussing the subjects that Buntzums has raised in her video. I hope we can return to that.
     · in reply to OTHERSEED (Show the comment)

3) (cont....) It's also worth considering that, even for scientific "geniuses" many of their discoveries were not attained through the use of deductive, rational intellect. The person who discovered the DNA Helix, actually saw it in a dream. My point is only that there are so many different "types" of intelligence, but just we have become culturally fixated on only one type.

    Our world, & our happiness in it has been determined as much by poets, artists, musicians as it has by technological advancement. We are not Mr Spocks, & even if we were 10 times as technologically advanced, our species would have died of boredom & unhappiness, if it wasn't for artists.
    As for "this is where the male brain excels" - if you actually pay attention to what I have been writing about (try using your wonderful male brain) you will see that I have ZERO interest in that subject.
     · in reply to OTHERSEED (Show the comment)

  • What significant forgotten discoveries? List them.
    Locked out???
    With all of the help, support and choices government and society gives women, they have more rights than men. People never think of helping men, because men are expected to be the responsible gender and help themselves.
     · in reply to lostinthedrone (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    computational mathematics, the structure of dna, frequency hopping, the application of programming to the creation of music, great advancements in cryptology, the structure of the sun, the still prevalent method of spotting and cataloging near earth objects...
    i could go on but that's a few examples
    using a computer? thank a woman for the mathematics underpinning it.
    using wi fi? thank a woman for that too.
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)

  • Powertuber1000
    No hate... just an honest observation about lesbians,
    which I think most people would agree with.
    Again your putting words in others mouths
     · in reply to lostinthedrone (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    so let me sum up your positions:
    1. women are stupid
    2. women have never achieved anything
    3. infertile women are pointless
    4. feminists destroy society
    5. lesbians hate men
    i didn't mention the rape thing as that was disproven :-)
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • Powertuber1000
    1. women are smart but in a different way than men
    2. women are life givers an have achieved much in the family.
    3. we were speaking of women 200 years ago.
    4. Correct… feminists destroy society
    5. that is just my observation
     · in reply to lostinthedrone (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    erm no and stop shouting
    1. you disregard any form of intelligence women show
    2. how wonderful, we are hear to give birth. you have disregarded every achievement by women so you can continue arguing that
    3. no, you said it about women alive today
    4. can you explain how?
    5. yes and a misogynistic and homophobic 'observation' it is too. fits in with your other 'observations'
    still you agree that the false rape thing was a load of crap so we're getting somewhere/
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    oh don't play the victim here sonnyboy
    to quote you: On the other hand lesbians tend to hate males in general and lack any of the creativity of gay males'
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)

Unfortunately, there is no universally agreed-on / quantifiable scale on which song-writing "genius" can be measured. With very few exceptions, pronouncements on the relative merits of artists are entirely subjective.
Seeing a you are getting too tied up in specifics, & are losing the bigger picture of what we are discussing, I am exiting this conversation.
I shall leave you with an old Zen puzzle-
Who is "better" - James Brown or Frank Zappa?
 · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)

    Seeing as you seem incapable of googling Alice Coltrane & reading of her achievements let us remind you - Alice Coltrane was a virtuoso player on several instruments - harp, organ & piano. She composed for orchestras, & also created (before virtually anybody else had) pioneering fusions of jazz with indian classical music. We are talking about one of the most highly regarded female musician & composers of all time. The fact that you know little about her is irrelevant.
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    yes i did and unfavourably.
    you id bother to google alice coltrane right? you know to see what people where talking about?
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    oh and bob dylan established his carer by riding on the coat tails of joan baez
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
    You clearly know nothing about Alice Coltrane & her musical achievements / talents (despite the fact that in this internet age, it would have taken you 5 minute to google her & find out). The fact that few people have heard of her is no measure of "value". That's lying saying some piece of manufactured pop crap must be better than Jimi Hendrix because its got a higher chart placing ! PLEASE realise that any artist I name is merely an example to demonstrate an idea. Return to the idea please.
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
    Typo - "lying" (3rd line") should read "like"
     · in reply to OTHERSEED (Show the comment)
  • lostinthedrone
    if thats so (calling someone a genius does not make them one) why are you doing this with lenon/ mccartney and dylan? why are they geniuses other than simply because people say so?
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • Powertuber1000
    An artistic genius is a different and lower form of genius (not a true one).
     · in reply to lostinthedrone (Show the comment)

  • lostinthedrone
    that was the benzine ring but a good point.
    the structure of dna was discovered by...a woman. men stole her data and published it first.
     · in reply to OTHERSEED (Show the comment)
    2) musician or singer has at some point been called a "genius" by some music critic or other. However, for female musicians & singers, even those who are very highly regarded (e.g - Joni Mitchell, Alice Coltrane, The Slits), the word "genius" is seldom applied. They are instead seen as having great "feminine" qualities (empathy / understanding / intuition etc). There is something in our culture that makes it very easy to ascribe "genius" to males, & very hard to ascribe it to females.
    1)"Intelligence" is not an absolute in nature, that can be measured independently from relative cultural values (as opposed to say - "this animal is faster than that animal" or "this animal has more hairs than that animal"). "IQ" is a measure of only one kind of intelligence. Many great poets, philosophers, thinkers & artists would actually measure very low on an I.Q scale. The use of the word "genius" (in layperson's terms) is almost entirely a male-centred adjective. Almost every male (cont..)
  • Sivels
    On average men have higher iqs (about 5 points), every major study through the decades have shown this. Why would you lie about such a thing?

women are LESS smart on average not more
7 male genius' for every female 1.
women have only 70% of lower and 55% of upper body strength relative to men of their height and weight AND on average are 5 inches shorter, these are not minor differences.
every society, culture, philosophy, religion, institution, discipline and language was created by men.
in an age where women receive massive govt funding at every level, people like you can pretend women can match men and ignore history.

  • GM4ThePeople
    1) You are a bright woman. Not a genius
    2) Boys are dogs, cats are girls
    3) Only bright women can create a genius, because intelligence is highly heritable
    4) Your productivity (social contribution) is likely maximised by birthing & raising (hopefully) genii rather than being another worker bee
    5) On a personal level, sure, whatever flutes yer boot
  • Buntzums
    I'm not a bright woman but rather a weirdo, genius isn't defined sufficiently and the type people keep citing, is an anomaly not normal deviation, I can give birth and be a worker bee, and probably make a dress out of a feed bag and a man out of you. OK the last part was a song lyric but illustrates the point that women have more than one ability in this life.
     · in reply to GM4ThePeople (Show the comment)
  • GM4ThePeople
    Aw, you're pretty smart. And I am genetically programmed to love you. And you're funny. :)
    Anyone can do anything, kinda. But there's this thing, "Comparative Advantage", right? There's one thing ONLY women can do, & if they choose not to, our families die.
    First time in history, they are choosing not to, & our people's families are shrinking by about 30% per generation. This is not random. Us: 100->70->49->34. Them: 100->200->400->800. Np if we're all the same, but we're not.
    Makes me sad.
     · in reply to Buntzums (Show the comment)
  • Buntzums
    It has not been numbers, solely, that gave us advantage. Look at it from a the perspective of a first world country. Children no longer make money for their parents. Now they cost resources and each one is given the utmost so we really don't need to grow our family size.  When each offspring has such a high chance of surviving we only need one between tow parents for the genetics of both parents to survive. Only men can produce sperm but I would hope they do other stuff as well.
     · in reply to GM4ThePeople (Show the comment)
  • GM4ThePeople
    We, the richest & most advanced people in history, cannot maintain our families while Third Worlders can. The controlled economy is control system.
    Having dinner tonight with old friends from university. While doing OK economically as a group (she-doctor etc.), we have few children & are losing ~86% of our genetic material from this gen to the next. Germany took ~10% losses in WW2.
    One hopes we really are all the same. Then our little Tribe may be optimistic, because "the future is Bulldogs".

  • CamillaCalamity
    True there are more male geniuses, but there are also more male morons.
  • crazybasement
    These intelligence arguments sound very familiar. Race realism anyone? I'll bet he's a free marketeer too lol.
  • Buntzums
    I don't know. The user never really addressed anything I asked. Choosing instead to write some kind of Anti-feminist justification paragraph. *shrugs*
     · in reply to crazybasement (Show the comment)
  • RichardRoy2
    I'd tend to be careful about the kind of "links" this person is making. They used to think brain size has anything to do with intelligence, but cause and effect can be a confusing issue for many. Do the brain structures develop the way they do from societal pressures, or the other way around? How do effeminate males and masculine females fit in to his model? I don't even get the impression he thinks intelligence is developed, but, rather, a genetic/biological given. I don't get that.

  • Hunterbgpz
    What do you mean conspiracy... for the last few decades the educational system was radically reformed, the curriculum, the way the textbooks have been written, the affirmitive action, the special classes for "Oppressed" people. Give me a break, man, the educational system has been dramatically changed and it's going nowhere but down, since it reforms and adapts to the needs and wants of girls, instead of girls adapting to it.
     · in reply to HannibaltheVictor13 (Show the comment)
  • Buntzums
    Girls are adapting to it. Women get more degrees then men because they anticipate more trouble getting employment because of physical strength issues. Truthfully they do have more problems as do SE Asians. To make the same money women need a higher level of education. Women are doing their part to better their situation and for the most part not complaining about it but don't pretend that these successes are somehow sponging or luck. Elbow grease is applied.

THERE IS MALE LEARNING AND FEMALE LEARNING. Male learning is exploratory… not being afraid to challenge excepted thought and add to it, improve it.
Men ask the question why. Male learning is taking things you know and extrapolating to find something unknown. Female learning is just memorization and regurgitation and that is why men are the inventors/creators/discoverers and women are not.
 · in reply to HannibaltheVictor13 (Show the comment)

  • HannibaltheVictor13
    1) Well lets start by addressing the strawman fallacy you just commited. No one suggested that women somehow secretly controlled history. That kind of paraniod lunacy I leave in the hands of paranoid small minded other words you. Now on to the actual dispelling of your foolishness. Throughout history men and women have been responsible for shaping society into what it has become and what it will become. To suggest that such a state of affairs is not consistant with the. cont.
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • HannibaltheVictor13
    2) Actual historical and archaeolgoical evidence. In addition history is repleat with women who were authors, philosophers, docters mathematicians and scientists. Pleas see Hypatia of Alexandria Queen Boudica, Artemisia of Hallicarnasus Hatshepsut Olympias et al. the problem we have hear is that whenever a nit wit like yourself starts screaming about women it is actually you speaking about a subject you know nothing about. You then proceed to take out your lack of sexual and romatic prowess.
     · in reply to HannibaltheVictor13 (Show the comment)
  • HannibaltheVictor13
    3) On the whole of woman kind. Never realizing that history is leaving you behind in the dustbin were you belong. You Stardusk Pinegrove JTO Paul Elam are nothing more then failed men who have accomplished nothing. You sneer at those who have and you continue to diminish the human expeirence simply because you can't hack it with women nor the world. Do me a favor read a book remove your head from your ass and try to get laid. You're only making yourself look bad.
     · in reply to HannibaltheVictor13 (Show the comment)

  • MoriInAeternum
    I think the problem here is that powertuber1000 assumes people create the "very structural foundation of our existence." Nothing to do but laugh at that.
  • MistressArte
    With brain abilities, the more you use something the better you get at it and it does change the structure of your brain a bit. It's seen really well on taxi drivers, because their sense of where they are has to be better than other peoples. That's also why in the past there were more male genius than female, because women weren't given the opportunity to learn the way men were. I don't really see that as a point against women being smart.
  • Buntzums
    A good book that talks about this is called "The brain that changes itself." by Norman Doidge, M.D.

  • Thanks for making the video;
    I think you were fair-minded in your delivery.
    The point is that we should...
    "Treat Equal but Acknowledge Differences"
    This 2nd point feminists absolutely refuse to accept and understand.
    Also, when speaking on broad subjects, one must speak in general terms.
    To divert to a single individual or a person you know as an example is ridiculous.
     · in reply to Buntzums (Show the comment)
  • Buntzums
    It's not a diversion to mention one person if they don't fit the definition. the problem is that if I mentioned almost anyone they would likely not fit your definition as it's too average. It's like Carmel1119 said in this comments section "By describing everyone(averages), you describe no one." < Like she said!
     · in reply to Powertuber1000 (Show the comment)
  • carmel1119
    I'm not interested in averages either. By describing everyone(averages), you describe no one.
    I'm interested in the ideas geniuses put forth, whether they emanate from the mind of a man or woman isn't important to me.

  • My sister and I actually participated in a study in which various tests were administered, and the overall conclusion was that on average men were *more likely* to excel at some skills and women were *more likely* to excel in others.  However, my sister and I scored nearly identically in all tests, resulting in me scoring higher than the average male in verbal and her scoring at the top for visual-spacial reasoning.
  • VigilanteNighthawk
    I'm not following what his argument is, either. His original thesis seems to be holding that only intelligent people should be allowed to "build society" (rule?). However, even if we bought his arguments, there are still women who would be ahead of the curve and thus able to rule alongside their male counterparts. However, he seems to want to conclude that only men should rule or hold certain jobs, which does not follow at all from his earlier statements as most men would also be inadequate.
  • MistressArte
    Then you throw in the weirdo's like me who are lefties. ^__~ I find this whole argument of sex and iq stupid and it's just used as a tool for people that want to justify their discrimination. It's like race and iq only they are replacing race with sex to do the same type of thing. Everyone has their thing that they'd be good at, the only thing that's important is getting them the proper education that they'd need to use their abilities better.
     · in reply to VigilanteNighthawk (Show the comment)
  • comradebubbles
    High intelligence doesn't equal creativity or wisdom.
    There are many more women working today in the highest levels of the physcial and life scinces than 50 years ago. This is the result of changing the cultural and social limitations that were placed on women throughout history.
    The movie star Hedy Lamar was the co-inventor of frequency-hopping spread-spectrum, responsible for today's cell phones. Antifeminists wish to limit the role of women like Hedy in our society based on generalizations.
  • Buntzums
    I had to actually think about your comment for a while. There have been bright women throughout history. I can think of Lord Byrons wife Anne Isabella Noel who was in mathematics. I never hear any of the theories about intelligence and gender or race from gifted individuals, likely because they are not threatened by competition. For me I avoid competition but it doesn't matter to me because I like working with others, so I tend to see strengths not faults.
     · in reply to comradebubbles (Show the comment)
  • NeoDarkArckan
    (cont) were into. It does matter to me, because I want intelligent mates. Stupid, ditzy valley girls turn me off big time.
  • Buntzums
    I'm not exactly turned off by stupid people. I've met professors from China who work as snakes and dishwashers, so I don't tend to assume someones intelligence until warranted, because I know perfectly well that some of the brightest diamonds are hidden in poverty. Not only that but great things can be done by simple people. People are more than their ability to write tests and appease teachers. It's fine to be a genius of course but keep that old horse before the cart ;)
     · in reply to NeoDarkArckan (Show the comment)
  • NeoDarkArckan
    " I know perfectly well that some of the brightest diamonds are hidden in poverty." I don't think we have the same definition of the word "Valley girl". lol A Valley girl is basically a rich, spoiled, superficial, materialistic bitch who's catty and competitive and always wants to have the best clothes, most jewelry etc. just so she can show up all of the other valley girls. I agree, there's much undiscovered genius out there. I belong to the Pagan community there's tons of people who are...
     · in reply to Buntzums (Show the comment)
  • NeoDarkArckan
    (cont) completely unknown to the masses but are really brilliant! Oberon-Zell Ravenheart is one of them. In 2007, a Unicorn Deer was born in an Italian Conservation Park. More than 30-years before that, Oberon discovered the secret of the Unicorn and the origins of where the legend began and they sold them to Barnum Bailey Circus. The most famous people are seldom the best at what they do. They're just the most famous.
     · in reply to Buntzums (Show the comment)
  • NeoDarkArckan
    A difficult concept to explain to the lazy, superficial, showboater MTV Generation, but truth nonetheless. lol
     · in reply to Buntzums (Show the comment)
  • NeoDarkArckan
    Genius is actually quite a mystery and a bit of an anomaly in nature. As far as intelligence, intelligence isn't just one thing. Also, we need to consider other variables, such as confidence, which prevent someone from using their full potential. I would have to say on a practical basis, that men are much more rational than women. However, they can be clowns. I've always wanted to be friends with females in high school and junior college because I'm not into the stupidity that a lot of the males
  • shirehorse91
    You should ask SaelPalani about this one because she has a degree in psychology. My mother rated very high in the genius scale and I doubt she would rate that high if she didn't go to university or have an environment that encourages thought. A response to a race-realist video (SkepticalHeretic?) mentioned that the IQ tests were changed because women rated significantly higher than men. I comes down to what is being tested.

    From the previous video:

    I need to know what your point is Powertuber1000.  I'm making this video to figure them out.  Video responses will be automatically accepted.  Comments will be moderated as necessary.  Voting is not allowed as this is a form of censorship of ideas on YouTube, as each person potentially can have multiple accounts and it is not a fair system. 

    Here are the pm's sent to me:

    Here is your gift for VD

    Feminists don't build anything...
    Feminism is merely about trying to cash in
    on the achievements and institutions built by men.
    "Look around you", where ever you are, where ever you go,
    men have imagined, conceived, designed and created practically
    everything that exists...everything!!! 
    The male mind is uniquely suited to visualize abstract concepts
    and then make them a reality. Females know this innately.
    This is the unspoken reality of our existence on this earth.

    Feminism Is Socialism with Panties (reply)
    Diverting to a single individual (you mentioned yourself) is ridiculous and typical.

    It is a common tactic of people who are unable to think in broader terms, or those who can't think of an adequate response to the broader statement.

    DO YOU BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION? If you do, you must believe that it is not only our bodies but our brains that have developed differently, in order to adapt to the almost opposite functions males and females have had in the last million years. There are striking differences in the size and way the right and left hemispheres are connected in the M/F brain and therefore differences in the way they each function. Why is this so hard for women (feminists) to accept and understand ???

    MEN have a wider variance of intelligence (meaning more low and more high) on the bell curve; women mainly fall in the average realm. The high end of the intelligence spectrum produces 8 to 1 more male genius's than female, combine this with the males more visual, spatial and analytical mind, add testosterone for dominance and there you have it... the reason our modern civilization exists.

    Re:Feminism Is Socialism with Panties (reply)
    "MINOR differences in size and strength" That's Funny
    I like how you use phrases like... minor differences and somehow better.

    Average IQ varies based on the test used. The point is females have a very NARROW variance so ALMOST ALL females fall in the average range and average doesn't cut it when you are creating the very structural foundation of our existence. Men have a wide variance producing 8 to 1 more geniuses.

    Testosterone not only produces dominance and strength, it more importantly dramatically changes brain structure.

    The PROOF is all around you, but you are TOO BLIND to see it. Practically EVERYTHING that exists in our world... whether mental or physical came to us through the male gender.

    Women do not invent and build (generally speaking) because they lack that ability. 
    Their visual and spatial skills, their ability to focus, their math and science skills
    and analytical abilities are limited through evolution.
    The parietal region is thicker in the female brain, 
    making it hard for them to mentally rotate objects. In other words the two hemispheres have a high degree of separation in the male, giving their right hemisphere an extraordinary spatial and analytical FOCUS. Women's verbal abilities exceed men's because their two hemispheres have a much higher degree of connections. 

    We are almost like different species. 
    Google: male and female brain differences for an education.

    "Here are some more brain differences"

    ■Men have approximately 6-1/2 times the amount of gray matter that women do, and women have nearly 10 times more white matter than men. Gray matter processes information in the brain, while white matter connects the processing centers.
    ■Women have about 85% of their IQ-related brain matter—both white and gray—located in the brain's frontal lobes while men have nearly all of their IQ-related gray matter distributed equally between the frontal and parietal lobes.
    ■The corpus callosum, the major white matter tract connecting the two brain hemispheres is larger in women (and gay men).
    ■The inferior-parietal lobule, which is associated with mathematical ability, is significantly larger in men than in women, with the left side lobule larger in men and the right side lobule larger in women.
    ■The preoptic area of the hypothalamus is more than twice the size in men as in women. For complex reasons that I will not attempt to explain here, this is why men constantly think about sex and women don't.
    ■The limbic cortex, which processes emotions, is proportionally larger in women than in men.
    ■The parietal cortex, which processes spatial perception, is proportionally larger in men than in women.
    ■The amygdala, associated with emotional memory, is proportionally larger in men than in women.

    So, is there a female brain? Clearly, yes. There are very significant structural differences between the male and female human brain