Friday 15 March 2013

For the second time today, Buntzums, your humble guide to all things.... well like you know, delves into yet another important topic.

Postpartum depression.  It makes people feel low and it's temporary.  It's a condition that happens after a woman delivers a child.  Women have been know to do all sorts of unusual things during this time including killing their own children and others.

When I was reading comments from people one YouTuber kept insisting that these particular killings should be harshly punished because their effect is worse than rape and that this is something feminists should answer for because women don't talk about this.

Oh, but how wrong the user was in this.  Women have been well aware of this for centuries.  As one blogger wrote "There is no logic to this psychosis. The mother doesn't know right from wrong nor the consequences of her actions. She may feel that she is “saving” her child by killing him."

Balderdash the user said gnashing their great white teeth.  To paraphrase, we in society are giving these women a free pass and treating them as children, why, if they were men we would be all ball and chain and crying for a head on a plate.  This user then went on to describe feminists as not owning this or dealing with it.

Perhaps.  Lets look at it more logically first.

Womyns groups such as the Canadian womens health network run support groups. I have personally seen the support shortly after a child is born to surround the mother to ensure she and the baby are well.  Although it is still taboo to discuss mental illness women are aware, within feminist circles, and talk about how to deal with this issue.

It's likely not something men usually think about, because in this modern day we no longer hold to traditions and where once a woman would likely have been surrounded by a whole family of other women who would in essence watch her.  In many cases she and the child are left on their own with the child most of the time as her husband braves the working world.  This is a crucial part of a social structure: having the older members of the family help with the child rearing.

In modern times the midwife plays a role in supporting the new baby mama and child. A vital part of this supporting role includes keeping the new mother and child under observation during the early stages so she does not harm herself, the child or others. Preventing the mother from harming the child during this time, is not treating the mother like a child.

I likely, dear reader, don't need to state why a murder induced by postpartum depression is not the same as raping someone, but for those who still have doubts and think I'm just avoiding women taking responsibility for female crimes, or making men look bad, here goes:

Feminists both try and spread the word to other women about postpartum depression risks and provide services to support families suffering with this.

What else do womyns groups do? Well they try to educate the public about rape, as well as run support groups and services to do with rape relief.  It's the positive enactment of change.

Here are some relevant links:

So to those who seek destruction, remember all ye angry dudes,
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

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